

Dear middle Aged Dude in short sleeve dress shirt and glasses, driving a family style Ford Excursion, Blasting "Ballroom Blitz":

Rock On Dad.
Rock On.


slow the roll

Dear Dude riding his breaks while driving down a hill with no one in front of him:

The bike next to you is going faster- relax.
And get out of my way, I understand gravity, and do not fear it.



Dear Dude, strutting the "I've got big muscles" strut thru the gym wearing an epically sleeveless shirt:

First of all, when there's so little on the side of your shirt that its more of a tiny poncho, you might as well just not wear one.

Second of all, go ahead, take that shirt off..... you are one of the few people allowed. Because Sir, you have EARNED that strut with those pecs and abs....

I'm just sayin'.