

Dear anyone who has ever participated in an organized 5k event:

The organizers generally divide the starts up into 2 groups- runners & walkers- with 2 different start times. There is a reason for that- walkers ruin the pace of runners, and runners can trip into walkers. It would seem that there is some confusion as to who is a walker and who is a runner- as evidenced by the massive amounts of walkers who rushed the start line at my last event.

If you plan on walking more then 50% of the event- you are a walker, and should start in the second group.
If you plan on walking after a slight jog over the start line- you are a walker and should start in the second group.
If you could be a valid contestant for The Biggest Loser- you are a walker and should start in the second group.

You will still get to accomplish something, and cross the finish line, you are just going to make life easier on the runners by giving them some space to do their thing.
Walkers, please back up and let the runners go first.
I beg of you.

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