

Dear Neighbor Lady Rinsing off her car on her driveway as I leave the house to walk the dogs at 6:20 am:

Um, I'm all for washing your car and stuff, but it's currently raining.
Like- I have a hat and a raincoat on, and one of my dogs is freaking out- Raining.
When the water is falling from the sky, there's not a lot of need to also crack out the hose.
it seems counter-productive. And wasteful. and just plan weird.



Dear Dude in the newly shared kitchen space at work:

You are speaking chinese on your phone, and I am white girl with purple hair, you REALLY don't need to move across the room to get more privacy when I come in to fill my water cup.
Honestly, chances of me speaking chinese AND caring about what your saying..... pretty much Zero.
Relax dude.