

Dear Dude who is driving around with a totally crushed in back end and just cut me off in traffic:

It all makes sense to me. It should to you as well.
The one begets the other
Stupid choices begets a barely drivable car.

Just food for thought

D- bag



Dear very well built dude who gave me the "hey baby"grin and head nod not once , but twice, while I was at the gym today:

Hi there.
How you doin?
You must work out a lot cause you look like you do.
That's a nice smile you have too. But you know that. You must know that.

Oh, yeah, I'm married. Happily. Gratefully. No-chance-of-changing-that-ully.

But thanks, you just turned my day around. See ya around the gym.


Dear Lady "walking" her dog by using roller blades:

Your dog appears to be maybe 5 months old, and a lab. You have taken a giant trusting leap by letting him control your speed and direction like this. Chances are very good he will veer off course in a rapid manner and kill you both.

Meanwhile, it looks like fun.



Dear Lady in the theatre restroom talking to her (probably) 11 yr old grand daughter about her Mascara... the 11 yr old's mascara..... The 11 yr old was WEARING MASCARA. On a THURSDAY NIGHT. Going to see a play about being accepted for who you are, AS YOU ARE.

Right, sorry, back on track

Dear Lady talking to her granddaughter about mascara-

Teasing her by saying her mascara is running, which chances are slim she even really understands what that means, and laughing when she panics about it is going to turn her into the kind of person who can't go the mailbox without makeup on.
When that day comes, and you wonder why she's like that when she's such a pretty girl- Look back on this day, and know you did it. Yep, all your fault. Way to go grandma, hope the giggle was worth it.



Dear Everyone-
Here is a list of things NOT to say to someone who has done a dramatic hair change since you last saw them:

-"Wow. Why'd you do that?"
-"OH, you did it like (another person you both know)- that's nice"
-"Didn't want to do the rest of it?"
-"Thats different."
-"wow. Interesting. I'm surprised you did that"
-"so i figured we'd just- HOLY CRAP WHAT'D YOU DO TO YOUR HEAD?"

All of these mean "Holy Shit! You've lost your mind" which is just your opinion.
If you can't say something supportive, just pretend you didn't notice.

Although, how you didn't notice such a drastic change also makes you look like a total idiot, so it's kind of a lose- lose situation.



Dear ladies in my life who I appreciate and love-

As we get older, if you get a grandma haircut, I'm gonna call you out on it.
I will not allow that shit.

Dear ladies in my life who do not fit this column-

Go ahead, cut your hair into a helmet like style that doesn't move ever.
It looks good on you.