

Dear Mushroom Haircut Dude who was seemingly traveling with his cat through Hollywood..... with the cat tied to the top of one of his suitcases:


(yes, thats a Siamese cat sitting on a suitcase in front of a Popeye's... with no one looking at it but me..... yes, this is a terrible idea.)



Dear Tiny Squirrel Dude carrying a full size bagel across the road:

I admire your tenacity
and thats pretty cute



Dear DJ Impacto who apparently works a "joe job" in my building:




Dear Lady in the courtyard yesterday during lunch hour, sitting smack in the sun, no shade at all:

It is LITERALLY 100 degrees out- jeans tucked into knee high boots and a layered long sleeve shirt seemed like the right wardrobe choice this morning? Really? Maybe, just maybe, watching the news before you leave for work would be a good idea once in a while.


on ramp

Dear Lady doing her exercise walk, which entails walking through and intersection that is composed of a large freeway onramp:

You might want to at least look over your shoulder before entering the onramp area, because you are a tiny lady who is hard to see, and I am in a big old car with a green light to go, and I almost ran you over. Looking before you enter a traffic zone just seems like a good idea.



Dear Lady nursing some sort of ankle injury, and yet still wearing heels (wedges at least) and a SKIN TIGHT black tank dress to accentuate the assets that modern medicine has been able to provide her:

When you have a limp (as I do now, so I know of what I speak) skin tight is NEVER a good option. The elevated shoes only make your limp more pronounced. The level of bounce provided by your uneven gait in combination with the shoes moves things from sexy to awkward. You might want to look into wardrobe a bit less.... slutty until your foot is better.


Dear Dude driving the clearly marked work vehicle, while smoking a nice joint, in front of me in traffic this morning:

Very professional.

Dear rest of the LA area:
If you use Prime Master for your appliance repair needs, and a red Element pulls up- you may want to have some cheetos handy for the guy. He'll probably want munchies before he leaves.



Dear Lady who works down the hall from me, and entered the bathroom right after me this afternoon (I held the door for her and everything):

There are like 10 empty stalls in here- WHY do you have to use the one directly next to me?
It's just weird.